Sustainability Policy
Sustainability Policy
At Green Leader, we commit to the Sustainable Development of our operations and our stakeholders. To achieve this, we have set the goal that the initiatives we design and implement align, across the board, with the following purposes:
Ensuring the safety and health of individuals is our priority, especially those working on projects under our responsibility.
Comprehensive Development of Collaborators
Ensuring the safety and health of individuals is our priority, especially those working on projects under our responsibility.
Promoting innovation as a fundamental objective to achieve process optimization and sustainable development.
Climate Change Adaptation
Driving the adoption of mitigation measures in production processes in response to climate change risks. Likewise, promoting partnerships with public and private organizations with the aim of contributing to the country's sustainable development.
Environmental Value Generation
Creating environmental value through the incorporation of the circular economy model, implementing integrated environmental management systems to enhance the achievement of objectives, targets, and indicators for continuous improvement of corporate environmental performance.
Social Value Generation
Contributing to the generation of economic, social, and human capital in the local environments for which we design and implement our projects and solutions. We insert our projects with concern for being part of a shared vision of local territorial development.
Transparency and Corporate Governance
Carrying out our work responsibly and transparently. We have internal guidelines and regulations that establish our commitment to conducting business responsibly. Maintaining an honest, transparent, and law-abiding conduct. Communicating openly about our performance.