Online Traceability Of Waste And/Or Assets

A customized tool designed to track the waste generated by the areas under control, from its origin to its final destination. It allows the incorporation of environmental indicators.


Online Traceability of Waste and/or Assets

Green Track System is a digital solution created by Green Leader to monitor the flow of waste and assets in mining and industrial sectors. Our primary focus is to achieve precise and transparent traceability of waste by area and the assets used in these operations.

The collected information is reflected in real-time through a customizable dashboard tailored to the client's needs, offering a comprehensive overview of tracking and control. Additionally, we integrate environmental indicators that enrich corporate sustainability reports, strengthening environmental and social responsibility within the organization.


Online traceability is essential for tracking products or data throughout a supply chain. Real-time visualization is crucial for detecting and resolving issues immediately, optimizing processes, and ensuring quality, leading to increased efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Online traceability facilitates detailed tracking of waste throughout its lifecycle. By allowing real-time visibility of its movement and destination, inefficient waste generation and management points can be effectively identified and addressed. This leads to better planning, waste reduction, and a positive impact on the environment.


Online traceability enables precise and transparent tracking of waste and/or assets throughout their journey. By providing real-time data on location and status, transparency within the supply chain is promoted, improving confidence in the process and enabling agile responses to challenges or irregularities.


It facilitates the early identification of environmentally harmful practices, allowing for immediate adjustments and more sustainable resource management, resulting in a reduction of adverse effects on the environment.


Traceability of environmental sustainability indicators by providing real-time data on the flow of products and their environmental impact. This allows for continuous assessment of practices and alignment with sustainable goals, promoting informed decision-making and continuous improvement towards more environmentally friendly practices.


Online traceability uses an AWS cloud backup system to store and manage tracking data. This solution offers scalability, security, and access to information anytime, anywhere, improving operational efficiency and ensuring the availability of crucial data for decision-making.


It provides a detailed, real-time view of each stage. This allows for the early detection of inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and errors, facilitating continuous optimization and the implementation of corrective measures to increase efficiency and quality in production.


It provides real-time information about the location and status of assets. This enables more precise planning, efficient resource allocation, and agile responses to changes, improving operational effectiveness and maximizing asset performance.

For more information about our Waste and/or Asset Online Traceability services, please feel free to contact us.

Why Green Leader?

Our company has experience in environmental and technological solutions, backed by a successful track record in implementing similar tools across various industrial sectors. Our commitment to sustainability ensures that the system is designed to meet the highest environmental and management standards.

Furthermore, Green Leader offers a personalized approach, tailoring the system to the specific needs of each client and sector. Our intuitive and user-friendly platform allows for easy adoption and use, streamlining implementation and reducing training times.

The integration of environmental indicators and the ability to visualize real-time data through a customized dashboard provide complete control over processes and enable informed decision-making. Choosing Green Leader means choosing a reliable, efficient solution that aligns with sustainability and responsible management values.

La trazabilidad en línea permite el monitoreo y seguimiento en tiempo real de los residuos y activos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida, desde su generación hasta su disposición final. Green Leader utiliza sistemas y tecnologías avanzadas para rastrear y registrar de manera precisa y confiable toda la información relevante, como la cantidad, composición, ubicación y movimiento de los residuos y activos. Esto proporciona un mayor control y transparencia en la gestión de los mismos.

La trazabilidad en línea facilita el cumplimiento de las regulaciones y normativas relacionadas con la gestión de residuos y activos. Green Leader asegura que todos los procesos y operaciones estén alineados con los requisitos legales y las buenas prácticas establecidas, lo que ayuda a las empresas a evitar posibles sanciones y conflictos legales.

La trazabilidad en línea permite una gestión más eficiente de los recursos al proporcionar información detallada sobre la cantidad y calidad de los residuos y activos. Green Leader utiliza esta información para identificar oportunidades de optimización, como la reducción de residuos, la reutilización de activos o el reciclaje de materiales, lo que puede generar ahorros significativos en costos y recursos

La trazabilidad en línea ayuda a mitigar los riesgos asociados con la gestión de residuos y activos en minería y la industria. Green Leader utiliza sistemas de alerta temprana y análisis de datos para identificar y responder rápidamente a cualquier desviación o situación de riesgo. Esto contribuye a la prevención de incidentes y accidentes, protegiendo la seguridad de los trabajadores y el medio ambiente.

La trazabilidad en línea proporciona una base sólida para generar informes precisos y completos sobre la gestión de residuos y activos, además de indicadores ambientales para reportabilidad. Green Leader recopila y analiza los datos relevantes que sirven para generar informes periódicos que reflejen el desempeño ambiental y las métricas clave de sostenibilidad. Estos informes ayudan a las empresas a demostrar su compromiso con la responsabilidad ambiental y a rendir cuentas ante los reguladores y partes interesadas.

How can our services impact the SDGs?

Waste and/or Asset Online Traceability services for mining and industry can have a significant impact on various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for example:

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: Online traceability services can enhance waste and asset management in mining and industry, leading to better infrastructure and more efficient production processes.

Responsible Production and Consumption: Online traceability of waste and assets can help monitor and control the flow of materials in the supply chain, allowing the identification of unsustainable or inefficient practices. This, in turn, promotes greater accountability and transparency in production and consumption and can drive changes toward more sustainable practices.

Climate Action: Waste and/or Asset Online Traceability can assist in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. By tracking and monitoring waste flows, opportunities for improved energy efficiency, waste reduction, and the promotion of recycling and reutilization practices can be identified.

Partnerships for the Goals: Online traceability services can facilitate collaboration among different stakeholders. By sharing information about waste and asset traceability, stronger partnerships can be established, promoting the adoption of sustainable practices throughout the value chain.

How can our services impact the sustainability of your value chain?

Our services, like those offered by Green Leader, can significantly impact the sustainability of the value chain in mining and industry. For example, we can contribute in the following ways:


Green Leader's online traceability service allows for the tracking and monitoring of waste and assets throughout the entire value chain.

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This helps identify areas where waste or inefficiencies are generated, which, in turn, allows for corrective measures to minimize them. By optimizing resource utilization and reducing waste, it promotes more efficient and sustainable resource management.

Regulatory Compliance

Green Leader's online traceability service provides a detailed record of waste and asset management throughout their lifecycle.

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This simplifies the documentation and compliance with environmental and sustainability regulations and standards that may apply to your industry. By maintaining accurate and transparent records, the risk of non-compliance is reduced, fostering responsibility in resource management.


Green Leader's online traceability service enables greater visibility and transparency in the supply chain.

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This facilitates the identification of opportunities to optimize material flows and reduce environmental impacts at all stages. Knowing the origin and destination of waste and assets allows for stronger and more sustainable relationships with suppliers and customers, promoting more efficient and responsible collaboration.


Green Leader's online traceability service provides precise data and metrics regarding waste and asset management in your value chain.

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This simplifies the assessment of environmental performance and the identification of areas for improvement. With this information, more informed and strategic decisions can be made to maximize efficiency, minimize environmental impacts, and enhance overall sustainability.


We encourage collaboration and the creation of synergies in the supply chain of mining and industry.

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We work collaboratively with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders to optimize material flows and promote the reuse and recycling of products and materials.

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