Green Leader premia a los Ganadores del II Concurso Escolar de Economía Circular ‘Yo Cierro el Círculo’
‘Estas iniciativas con los estudiantes son muy importantes para nosotros, como empresa, porque creemos firmemente que la Economía Circular
‘Estas iniciativas con los estudiantes son muy importantes para nosotros, como empresa, porque creemos firmemente que la Economía Circular
Green Leader, empresa líder en gestión de residuos industriales, economía circular y soluciones ambientales de la Región de Antofagasta,
Como un paso significativo para Green Leader y que está en línea con su compromiso de ser un socio
El II Concurso Escolar de Pintura y Dibujo “Yo Cierro el Círculo”, organizado por Green Leader, ha sido todo
El concurso logró una destacada participación con 87 obras en competencia. Jurado enfrenta una ardua tarea para elegir a
En Green Leader, queremos dar más oportunidades a niños, niñas y jóvenes para que participen en el II Concurso
En Green Leader, estamos comprometidos con el cuidado del planeta y sabemos que los cambios comienzan desde temprana edad.
Para el certamen del año pasado participaron más de medio centenar de estudiantes, por lo que se espera que
En el marco del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente, 18 de octubre, Green Leader ha anunciado el lanzamiento del
En Green Leader, creemos firmemente que cada acción cuenta para proteger nuestro país y nuestro planeta. Este Día Nacional
En Green Leader – Economía Circular & Desarrollo Sostenible nos enorgullecemos de nuestras tradiciones, pero también estamos enfocados en el futuro. Este mes patrio celebramos no solo el inicio del camino hacia la Independencia de Chile, sino también nuestro compromiso con la innovación y la sostenibilidad.
Antofagasta, 23 August 2024 — Green Leader, a leading company in environmental solutions and sustainability, has been honoured with the Technological Contribution Award ...
Today, August 10, at Green Leader – Circular Economy and Sustainable Development we salute the Miners...
At Green Leader, today we salute all our collaborators who are parents and all those who, with their...
Today, at Green Leader Environmental & Sustainability Services, we highlight #InternationalRecyclingDay, a key date to reflect ...
🌱 💼On Labor Day, Green Leader Environmental & Sustainability Services joins the efforts of all workers in the country
🌹#InternationalWomen'sDay On this special day, we extend a warm greeting to all women...
Our CEO Javier Ramírez López comments - in the latest edition of InduAmbiente Magazine -...
“Nuestro propósito es que los residuos que se generan por la Minería e Industria se queden todos en la
By Orietta Ramirez. Public Affairs Manager at Green Leader.
Within the framework of COP28, a historic milestone has been achieved with the signing of the Dubai Agreement by 198 nations.
SICEP is a distinctive platform for showcasing the capabilities of certified companies to the country's leading mining and industrial companies.
By Aníbal Chamorro Alcaíno, Chief Sustainability Officer of Green Leader.
Every economic activity or new project requires obtaining various permits, which are governed by the current regulations in each country.
For Green Leader, the current regulatory burden in Chile is poorly calibrated towards SMEs, and there is an urgent need for permitting that encourages the entry of entrepreneurs for greater competitiveness in the market.
According to the Fund Manager, the sector is currently undervalued and there is a significant valuation gap between mining companies, especially those focused on metals such as copper.
By Orietta Ramírez, Public Affairs Manager at Green Leader. In an increasingly environmentally conscious world, our everyday actions are being scrutinized more closely than ever before
🙌 From the #CircularEconomy and #SustainableDevelopment 🌎 our most patriotic greetings on this celebration of Independence Day.
Promoting the Circular Economy in Antofagasta: Green Leader to Reward Winners of the 1st Drawing and Painting Contest
On this #Miner'sDay, we want to greet and recognize all the brave men and women in our country.
Our Green Leader sustainability truck is already on its way for the installation of 4 strategically located recycling points.
We are pleased to announce that we have decided to extend the deadline for the 1st School Drawing and Painting Contest.
By Orietta Ramírez, Public Affairs Manager at Green Leader. The Chilean economy continues to show signs of cooling.
The contest is structured in 3 categories: up to 8 years, 9 to 12 years, and 13 to 17
It points out that this economic sector is one of the most promising in the long term, and that Chile
It points out that this economic sector is one of the most promising in the long term, and that Chile
Did you know that in the last six years, the global economy has consumed 500,000 million tons
Environmental indicators are a set of measures that allow companies to assess their environmental performance and make
MARCH 8 | On International Women's Day, we want to salute all the women who are part
Because planning, controlling, and promoting preventive and corrective actions to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases
MARCH 1 | #WastePickerDay | Because in the effort to make this world a sustainable and eco-friendly place, each
Ximena Ballesteros Suárez, a Forklift Operator at Green Leader, emphasizes that when women want to thrive, they seek
FEB 24 | Our CEO, Javier Ramírez López, in the Special Edition 'Circular Economy and Waste' of InduAmbiente Magazine, sharing his
#Decarbonization | The United Nations #UN has chosen #January28 as 'World Day for the Reduction of #CO2 Emissions,' as a milestone
If you are interested in submitting your background information, enter your details in the form and attach your Curriculum Vitae. We are continuously seeking new collaborators.